Terms and Conditions

Privacy Notice - General


This Policy Privacy describes how Nimber collects and processes all personal data, assuming herself as the Main Responsible for its treatment or as Subcontractor, depending on the agreed services to provide. This Policy applies to personal data provided directly to Nimber by their respective owners and/or personal data provided by companies or other entities. We assume the responsibility to treat your personal data fairly and transparently. In case you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, you can contact our Data Protection’s Responsible: Via email – hello@nimber.pt Via Address – Avenida D.João II Nº35 7ºD, 1990-83 Lisboa The sites which are linked to Nimber’s website are not regulated by this Privacy Policy; therefore, we do encourage visitors to review the Privacy Policies of each of these websites before disclosing any personal data.

Responsible for Treatment and Personal Data’s Security

Nimber ensures the use of appropriate techniques, organizational and security measures to protect personal data and to avoid its loss, inappropriate use, its change or undoing, ensuring its veracity, integrity, availability, and confidentiality. Thereby it is mandatory that all employees keep this information confidential. Only authorized and linked personnel should keep the secrecy and confidentiality and have access to this information.

International Transfers

Personal information can be transferred, archived or handled in a different country from the one where it has been received and the origin from the data’s owners, including countries outside of EEE. In these cases, the data’s transfer is done according to the General Regulation of Data Protection’s requirements. When the transference of personal data is done outside of an EU country it will always be ensured appropriate guaranties using binding rules with legal enforcement, such as clauses approved by the Commission.

Shared Information

We can hire other companies or individuals to process your information request, to maintain this website or to perform commercial activities. Therefore, we can provide those companies access to your personal data, always with the aim that it has been collected and under our direction and responsibility. In response to a lawsuit, intimation, Government investigation or requested or allowed by law, we can disclose your personal data. We do not provide information to third parties for their own marketing purposes, and we do not perform marketing operations to third parties. We can, as a sale result, fusion, consolidation, management changes, assets transfer, reorganization or settlement of our companies (“Organizational Event”), transfer your personal data to third parties involved in the Organizational Event.

Your Rights

At any time, you have the right to request access to the personal data you’ve sent to us, to update or to rectify your details, to choose not to receive other information from Nimber, to request the exclusion of your personal data from our systems, or their portability, at any times through the mentioned contacts on the introduction note of this Privacy Policy. When we do process your personal data with your consent, you have the right to remove it at any time. Your consent’s removal does not withhold us from contacting you, via email or other means, to manage the professional relationship between us.


If you have any question regarding how we manage your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint to the responsible authorities – National Commission of Data Protection – through their webpage on the following address: https://www.cnpd.pt. For any question that might arise regarding this Privacy Policy, please do contact us on the contacts mentioned on this document.

For how long we keep your personal data

We will keep your personal data only for the necessary time established for the purposes that have been collected or the time required by legislation or applicable regulations. Unless there are any legal requirements, prevailing regulatory or contractual we will keep records of services provided (that might include personal data) in accordance with our conservation policy. During the prevailing period it is guaranteed the access to the data, and respective confidentiality, integrity and resilience.

Changes to the Policy Privacy

This Policy can be changed at any time. The changes are effective from the last change date indicated. Consult regularly this Privacy Policy to verify any change done in the way we handle your personal data.

Privacy Notice – Business Customers (include business customer’s employees)

Business Customers (and data’s owners related to our business customers)

The goal of our privacy policy is, the only, necessary treatment of personal data so we can provide our services to our clients for the agreed purposes. Therefore, every time our personal data is necessary for the provision of our agreed services, we request our clients to provide all the essential information to the relevant people (designated as “Data Holders”) about our privacy policy. That information should mention this privacy notice. Usually, we do collect data directly to our clients or third parties proceeding in accordance with their instructions.

Privacy Notice - Contacts

Contacts Management

Within our scope of services provision, we do collect and handle classifiable personal data in the professional contacts, referring to current customers, potential customers and respective employees or representatives. The referred, professional contacts usually include, name, employer identity, role, email address, professional address, phone number. We do collect this personal data directly from the data holder to the person who that data refers to, or next to their employer. We can use this personal data and make it accessible to our employees for the following purposes: Management, administration, and business development Providing information about our services to current customers

Privacy Notice – Job applications

Information Collection

Nimber can collect personal data using different sources, including the information we request on a job application and the information we collect from other legal sources, namely, sources through where your data became public (for instance LinkedIn or other social media). To fulfill all obligations, it is necessary to have the personal data management for the evaluation of available information and if it's suitable to the job requirements we pretend to fill in. The lack of information might stop or delay the compliance of these obligations.

Requested Information

The information categories we might request include: Identification data (e.g., name, birthday); Contacts (e.g., address, phone, email); or Academic training, professional career and other data regarding your application (e.g., Curriculum Vitae, Presentation Letter). Nimber does not collect data sensitive to candidates (e.g., candidate’s health, philosophical or political beliefs, politic or union affiliation, religion, private life and racial origin or ethnic). However, if Nimber, has access to that type of data as result of it being sent by the candidate, it will be considered, for legal purposes, as expressed consent for Nimber to proceed to its handling.

How do we use your personal data and what are the legal basis

We do use your personal data because of your job application at Nimber, for: To comply with our obligations based on contract conditions. To answer queries and requests you might do; and To maintain our records accurate and up to date; Your rights regarding your personal data Your personal data will be kept by Nimber until filling a job vacancy, until you have the right to erasure or when they are considered outdated by our Human Resources department (2 years maximum). Throughout the data’s conservation period, we appreciate you to inform us of any information’s alteration we have regarding your personal data, so we can have access to and correct and update on our systems. You can access your personal data through a form request for that purpose, to the following contact: hello@nimber.pt

Updates to this Privacy Policy

We can periodically change this Privacy Policy, so we can reflect legal changes and/or commercial practices. We advise you to check this Policy regarding possible updates every time you visit our website.

Nimber`s Contacts and Data Protection’s Holder

In case of doubts, queries or suggestions to present about this Privacy Policy, please contact Nimber or the Data Protection’s holder: Via post to the following address: Avenida D.João II Nº35 7ºD, 1990-83 Lisboa Via email: To Data Protection’s holder email: hello@nimber.pt

Cookies Policy


Cookies are small text files that are stored on the device through which you access a website, more specifically, through the browser used for that purpose, and which collect information related to your navigation on that website. Cookies have the main function to facilitate and personalize your navigation experience, however, not being the main reason for their utilization, it also serves other purposes, namely, helping us to prevent fraud, optimize our services, and identify your preferences so we can present you with commercials and offers adapted to your interests.


Cookies and other similar technologies collect: Traffic and location data, such as your IP address (Internet Protocol Address), your location collected through a Global Position System (or GPS system), Wi-Fi access points and mobile signals covered by your device; Access and session data, this is, the generated number to identify you as a user on a specific site (ID session) date of the beginning of the session and the most researched words; Device’s data, identify, for instance, which operative system and browser used, date and visit’s duration to the website, and the identification of other visited websites. Data related to user behavior, such as, click’s numbers and most visited webpages.


There are session cookies (of temporary duration) and persistent cookies (of long duration). The first are utilized only for the navigation period on a specific website, after which they are eliminated, and allows you to keep your navigation on that website without having to make a new session’s beginning, even if you change the page; The second ones are kept stored on your device, even after you end your navigation session on the website, and the purpose is to allow you the return to that same website without the initially established definitions, for instance, language, are changed on that new navigation.
The cookies can be categorized according to the new purposes associated with, regardless of being own cookies (cookies set by the website that you are visiting) or third-party cookies (cookies set by other websites besides the one you are navigating).
Therefore, for instance, we can have:
- Cookies strictly necessary: these cookies are always used, regardless of your consent, hence they are strictly necessary for the regular operation of the website. The necessary cookies aim to guarantee operational situations, optimization and security and are, usually, persistent cookies.
- Functional/Preferences Cookies: this type of cookie saves the definitions of user preferences, such as the language, so you don’t have to configure it every time you navigate on the website; identify the user throughout a unique identification number (ID), associated with the beginning of the session’s hour, allowing you to navigate on the website or other Internet pages opened in the browser without you having to constantly initiate the session, and allows counting the number of visits to the website, throughout the collection of IP’s users, enabling the realization of statistical studies about the service’s quality on that website. By nature, these cookies could be temporary, despite them normally being persistent.
- Analytic/Statistics Cookies: these are cookies that allow quantifying the number of users on a website and analyze their behavior, to establish improvement strategies for the service provided. Normally these are third-party cookies.
- Commercial/Marketing Cookies: These types of cookies aim to collect information about the website’s utilization (e.g., performed clicks and visualized commercials), allowing to identify the user’s preferences so the commercials conducted to them are according to their interests. These mostly are persistent cookies.


Below you can consult all the information related to cookies used on this website, particularly regarding their purposes, type, origin and conservation period:
a. First-party cookies: These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our Websites and to use some of its features, such as access to secure areas.
b. Third-Party cookies: i) Analytics cookies: We use Google Analytics to monitor traffic on our site. When you visit our site, these programs set certain cookies that record statistical information about your visits to the site. We measure the number of visits, the number of pages viewed as well as visitors' activity on the site, and their frequency of return. This helps us improve our website and its functionality, for example, by ensuring that users can navigate it intuitively. These cookies do not store any personal information that could be used to identify you.

Nimber`s Contacts and Data Protection’s Holder

In case of doubts, queries or suggestions to present about this Cookie Policy, please contact Nimber or the Data Protection’s holder: Via post to the following address: Avenida D.João II Nº35 7ºD, 1990-83 Lisboa Via email: To Data Protection’s holder email: hello@nimber.pt